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Upcoming Event

BBTS Glasgow 17th -19th September 2024

We are delighted to have Andy Ashford our Sales and Marketing lead; Adrian Mawson our Senior Support Analyst and software Tester and Rachel Wood a Director & Project Co-Ordinator attend the BBTS in Glasgow this year. Please come and visit the stand for catch up or an introduction to the company and our products. Tailored to the specific needs of the transfusion professional, BBTS 2024 brings together delegates from around the globe to share ideas, learn from peers and develop professional contacts.

The three-day programme will include the following topics and themes:

Blood Bank Technology (SIG)
Cellular Therapies Special Interest Group (SIG)
Components Special Interest Group (SIG)
Blood Shortages Plenary lecture
BBTS Awards Plenary
Margaret Kenwright Awards
Hospital Laboratory Session
Microbiology (SIG)
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Paediatrics Special Interest Group (SIG)
Patient Blood Management
Red Cell (SIG)
Clinical Case Studies
Serology Case Studies
Environment Impact on Blood Services Plenary
Transfusion Practitioner Session
Serious Hazards of Transfusion
Education Session

we support organisations from the NHS and local government, to SMEs and large corporations.

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